Solution Development Plan
Motor and Gear Motor Solution Development Plan
Upgrading or developing new product technology can present tremendously valuable opportunities for OEMs along with potentially significant inherent risks. Power Electric’s proven 5-step Solution Development Process ensures successful custom motor and gear motor project outcomes while eliminating financial, timing, and sustainability risks for our clients.

- Key Application Requirements – Technical
- Financial Objectives
- Program Schedule & Milestones
- Lead Time & Inventory Goals
- Resource Availability

- Budgetary Solution Proposal
- Drawings
- Performance Specifications
- Factory Location
- Develop Timeline
- Solution Pricing
- Test & Approval Plan
- Deliver Samples
- Complete Proof of Concept Testing
- Finalize Design for Production
- Supply Agreement
- Build Production Intent Samples
- First Article Inspection & Approval
- Complete Qualification Testing
- Obtain Agency Approvals (if necessary)
- Define Production Schedule
- Finalize QC Plan
- Execute Inventory Plan
- Inspect & Approve Initial Production Build
- Ongoing Business Update Meetings